Australian Visa Charges – from the 1st July 2015

Harder times are expected for people lodging Australian visa applications from the 1st of July 2015.

The already pricey charges of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection will be retouched further and will be used for any Australian visa lodged from that date.
Visa Application Charge will be increased as per the 1 July 2015.
The Department of Immigration and Border Protection announced the increase of several visa charges to include the most popular ones:
457 charges from $1,035 to $1060
187 RSMS & 186 ENS from $3,520 to $3,600.

Here the list of all the changes:

Get Your Visa - Australian Visa Application Charges

Get Your Visa is able to lodge your visa before the rise of the Visa Application Charge is introduced. Don’t wait further and contact our office today.

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