Probably not many of you know that the visa subclass 408 – TEMPORARY ACTIVITY VISA – was always existing way before the pandemic started.
In fact, the 408 visa has many different streams.
Why did we start to know all about this visa only when the Pandemic started?To respond to the crisis that came along with the Covid -19 situation, the Australian Government and the Department of Home affair created a new stream for this visa, known as Australian Government endorsed events, hence Covid-19 Pandemic event.
This Visa allows applicants unable to depart Australia to undertake specific types of work for a short period of time – temporary basis and stay in the country:
• up to 12 months – If you are working in the critical sectors of agriculture, food processing, health care, aged care, disability care, childcare, and tourism and hospitality
• up to 3 months – If you are not working in a critical sector
Applicants working in the critical sectors of agriculture, food processing, health care, aged care, disability care, childcare, and tourism and hospitality must:
• have evidence from an employer of your employment or an offer of employment
• hold a substantive visa that expires in 90 days or less, or your last substantive visa expired 28 days or less ago
Applicants whose departure is delayed by COVID-19 travel restrictions must:
• tell us why the restrictions prevent your departure
• hold a substantive visa that expires in 90 days or less, or your last substantive visa expired less than 28 days ago
Other compulsory requirements to apply for a Covid 19 Pandemic Visa are:
• be in Australia at the time of the lodgement
• Demonstrate and maintain adequate health insurance during your stay in Australia.
Applicants who currently holds a COVID-19 Pandemic event visa that is about to expire, may be eligible for another COVID-19 Pandemic event visa if:
• you wish to remain in Australia to continue working in a critical sector, or
• you have no other visa options and are unable to depart Australia before the expiry of your visa due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.
We are one of top migration agents in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth & many more locations in Australia.
If you’d like to discuss your eligibility for a Covid 19 Pandemic Visa with one of our migration agents, get in touch with us today by calling (08) 9388 9193 or clicking on the button below.
Covid visa FAQ
No, it is only available if you are in Australia
No, according with the condition 8107 you cannot work for more than 1 employer at the same time and the employer must be the one you stated in your Visa application
The visa is free as per DOHA fees, however every Migration Agency applies their own fees, just get in touch with us to ask for a quote
Our Visa Process
Documents Collection
Documents Preparation
Visa Lodgement
Visa Approval