MIA Communication 19 April 2017 Any 457 sponsorship, nomination or visa applications that are NOT listed in the relevant Instrument IMMI 17/040 (check any notes against your occupation) [...]
Global Visa and Citizenship processing times The Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection, has recently introduced Global visa and citizenship processing times providing you [...]
Do Not Rely on Checklists – Only Find out if you are Eligible Frequently Asked Questions: I want to live and work in Australia, so what documents and accreditations do I have to provide? As an [...]
Second WHV – Unpaid / WWOOF / Voluntary Job no more accepted There are good announcements and bad announcements. At this time we have to give a bad news to our clients and perspective applicants [...]
Australian Visa Charges – from the 1st July 2015 Harder times are expected for people lodging Australian visa applications from the 1st of July 2015. The already pricey charges of the [...]
Visa 457 Updates Get Your Visa is glad to announce that the required English level for the 457 changed as per the 17 of April 2015. As many overseas workers were not qualifying for the visa 457 [...]