Wester Australia DAMA (designated Area Migration Agreement)

As of July 1st, 2024, a new state-wide Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) for Western Australia (WA) has come into effect, offering a significant opportunity for employers and overseas workers alike. This new agreement, coupled with WA’s existing State Nominated Migration Program, is a game-changer, allowing up to 10,000 skilled and semi-skilled overseas workers to settle in WA annually. This initiative is designed to address critical workforce shortages that have been impacting the state across various industries. 

WA DAMA map1. What Is a DAMA? 

A Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) is a formal agreement between the Australian Government and a regional state or territory authority. DAMA allows employers in designated areas to sponsor skilled and semi-skilled overseas workers for roles they struggle to fill locally. What makes a DAMA unique is its flexibility—it’s tailor-made to address the specific labor market shortages in a region while ensuring that local employment conditions are met. 

2. The Impact of the New WA DAMA 

With the new WA DAMA, employers can access a broader list of occupations and concessions than ever before. This is particularly beneficial for industries facing critical labor shortages, enabling them to fill roles with qualified overseas workers where local talent is scarce. Employers across WA can still tap into the occupations and concessions available through existing regional DAMAs, but the new agreement expands these opportunities, making it easier to meet their workforce needs. 

The introduction of the WA DAMA is timely, addressing the urgent need for skilled and semi-skilled workers in sectors like childcare, aged care, healthcare, construction, agriculture, and hospitality. This initiative is expected to boost the local economy by ensuring businesses can continue to operate efficiently, even in the face of labor shortages. 

3. How We Can Help 

As migration agents who are experts in DAMA nominations and visas, we are here to guide both employers and workers through the complexities of the new WA DAMA. We can assist with every aspect of the process, including skills assessments and endorsements, ensuring that your application is smooth and successful. 

Ready to Explore Your Options?

If you’re an employer looking to access the new opportunities presented by the WA DAMA, or if you’re a skilled worker interested in migrating to Western Australia, now is the perfect time to act. Don’t miss out on the chance to secure your future in WA. 

Contact us today to learn how we can help you navigate the DAMA process and achieve your migration goals. Whether it’s handling your DAMA nomination, visa application, or skills assessment, we’re here to make the journey as seamless as possible. Let’s work together to address WA’s workforce needs and create a brighter future for your business or career. 

Are you ready to take the next step? Reach out to us now and discover how we can support your migration journey under the new WA DAMA. 

If you would like to book a consultation with one of our agents, just call us on (08) 6117 4152 or  click on this following like to book your appointment https://www.getyourvisa.com.au/book-a-consultation/


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