What should you do first when arrive in Australia? 

You did it, you packed your life and have boarded a plane with destination Australia! 
Once landed, everything sounds and looks exciting, the air smells different, the sky looks bigger and the coffee tastes actually better than you’ve imagined. You feel proud of yourself for the big step you took and can’t wait to explore the big red continent…but wait a minute..what should you do next?
There is no doubt that moving to another continent can be quite scary – especially if it is not for a simple holiday but the intent is to work when arrived. 
No worries (you definitely will hear this a lot here), we got you covered. 

Firsts things you need to do when arriving in Australia

1. Sim 
2. Bank account 
3. Tax file number 
4. Medicare (if eligible)


With this article we would like to explain the Tax File Number or TFN (the short version that you will find on paperwork)

The Tax File Number is important to get as one of the first thing to do right away if you would like to work. 

From the Australian Taxation Office website the definition of TFN is: “A tax file number (TFN) is your personal reference number in the tax and superannuation systems.

It, basically, allows you to be paid (including the superannuation – we will explain this in another article) and pay taxes. 

You can only apply once for the TFN, even if you leave Australia and then come back, you will have the same TFN and it is free. 


|How can I apply

There are different ways to apply for the TFN

Check the ATO website to understand which way is the proper one for your circumstances here.

Depending on your profile you can apply online or paper based with SERVICE AUSTRALIA or AUSTRALIA POST. 

Concluding, applying for a Tax File Number is not compulsory.  If you don’t do it you may pay more taxes and won’t be able to claim your taxes online.  




If you would like to have  information on how you can come to Australia,  book a consultation with one of our agents. Just call us on (08) 6117 4152 or write us at [email protected] or click on this following like to book your appointment https://www.getyourvisa.com.au/book-a-consultation/ . We will assess your circumstances, qualifications and experience to design the best option for you and your future!

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