Counselling Courses
The Diploma of Counselling is centered on giving you skills to work with clients, staff and even family which are useful in jobs that involve dealing with people.
Whilst the qualification is focused on the Community Service industry it is also ideal for those who have Human Resources or Business qualifications or for supervisors or team leaders.
Some students will decide on studying this qualification for their own personal development or to have a better understanding of how to deal with relationships.
It is an ideal qualification if you have a gap year.
The Counselling Courses available are:
- Diploma of Counselling
At Get Your Study we can help you to find the best course around Australia according to your needs and your budget. Our Migration Agent will give you the professional support on lodging your student visa.
We have courses available in:
- Perth
- Sydney
- Melbourne
- Adelaide
- Brisbane
- Gold Coast
- Byron Bay
- Sunshine Coast
- Canberra
- Darwin
Contact our office by filling in our contact form or by phone at (08) 9388 9193