Let Get Your Visa prepare your tax return online.
Our tax expert can help you to maximize your tax refund.
Contact us if you have any doubts about your tax return, we will be able to let you know if you must lodge your tax return avoiding eventual penalty rates from the ATO.
The tax return must be lodged yearly from the 1st of July to the 31st of October.
Most of the Australians and visa holders lodge their own tax returns each year, utilizing only a limited source of tax knowledge they find on the internet making mistakes from old review laws and ending up having a lower tax refund.
Paying an accountant is a long term free service because the whole amount of the invoice will be fully deductible in your next tax return and at the same time you will receive a much greater return on your tax.
The accountant can find deductions you never knew existed and he can teach you how to prepare your files for the next years.
Did you know that a tax accountant can claim back for you:
- Self-education expenses
- Laundry for your work clothes
- Tools cost
- Work clothes costs
- Cars depreciations
- Accommodation and meals ( if away from home overnight)
- Computer usage and depreciations
- Phone bills
- Text book
….and much more
Contact us for an appointment between the 30th of June and the 31st of October and bring with you all your tax related documents.
If you want to book an appointment please fill in the contact form on the side or call us at (08) 9388 9193