While the hope is that every application whether lodged from you or an agent is successful, an application may be refused and the Department of Immigration and Border Protection does allow for a decision to be reviewed provided you lodged the application onshore.
If you are not satisfied with the visa decision you received, Get Your Visa can ask for a review of the refusal, when possible and within the given timeframe. Not every decision is reviewable and there are independent authorities that are involved in the review process, which varies depending on the case and the visa application.
Get Your Visa can deal with the procedure to revise your visa application with both authorities. Before requesting a review process, we do examine your application again in order to understand the involved authority’s decision and provide it with the additional documents to enhance your application.
A visa refusal can come from a number of factors that will be assessed before proceeding with your review. A decision regarding whether to lodge or not a review of the case will be taken together evaluating the whole scenario, including seeing if other options are viable.
It is our concern, as a registered Migration Agency with years of experience, to provide you with the most suitable solution in order to get your visa approved.
If you want to book a consultation please fill in the contact form on the side or call us at (08) 9388 9193
Our Visa Process
Documents Collection
Documents Preparation
Visa Lodgement
Visa Approval