All those visa applications that can be misinterpreted or can appear incomplete to the Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection, lead to a straight negative answer. In this case, a specific review can be the right solution to receive a second and positive examination of your case.
The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) provides independent review of a wide range of administrative decisions made by the Australian Government and some non-government bodies.
The AAT has jurisdiction to review a limited number of decisions relating to visas such as:
- a decision to refuse to grant a protection visa or to cancel a protection visa
- a decision to cancel a business visa
- a decision to refuse to grant a visa under section 501(1), or to cancel a visa under section 501(2) where the decision is made by a delegate of the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection.
Accuracy and timeframe are aspects to consider when submitting a review request. Get Your Visa can be your valuable intermediate with the AAT and you.
There are costs associated to the lodgement of an appeal to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal and we will assess on a case by case whether it is convenient to appeal the decision.
When you come and see us with regard to the appeal, we will request all the documents relating to the decision, including documents lodged at the time of the decision itself. We can assist with the appeal request as well as with the hearing.
Our Registered Migration Agent, Valentina Segreto, may accept your case even if the case was not lodged with her.
If you want to book a consultation please fill in the contact form on the side or call us at (08) 9388 9193
Our Visa Process
Documents Collection
Documents Preparation
Visa Lodgement
Visa Approval